You may have noticed I’ve recently uploaded a few pictures to Tumblr. These pictures all have a few things in common: they’ve been taken with my cellphone with an app for Android called Retro Camera. This is part of a challenge to myself, but there are a few rules involved.
I’ve always had a fascination with photography. The idea of using existing light and shadow to capture art is a powerful concept. The art that I want to make when I take photos already exists in the real world. I just need to find it.
I’m trying to justify buying a nicer camera like a DSLR or a high-end point-and-shoot, but I’m not really convinced that I’ll use it all that much yet. So my challenge to myself is to take photos so that I can select one to share at least 3-5 photos per week. The rules are simple:
We’ll see how long these rules, and this challenge, last.